Reinventing Democracy: How Hometowns Are Strengthening America
Dec 7-9, 2022
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Part of the Our Common Purpose Communities Project
Mayors, city councilors, select board members, city and town managers, county executives, and other local government officials from across the country convened in this online conference in December 2022 to discuss how America's hometowns can help reinvent democracy.
Learn more about the panels featuring experts on ranked choice voting, participatory governance, clean elections laws, civic education, and more in this article about the conference. Keynote remarks were delivered by Eric Liu and Judy Woodruff.
The conference also featured an announcement about the first hometown to become an Our Common Purpose community.

Hollie Russon Gilman
New America
Ranked Choice Voting in Municipal Election
Adult Civic Learning and Engagement
K-12 Civic Education
Eric Liu on Citizenship & Civic Culture
Expanding Citizen Participation
Clean Elections, Democracy Vouchers, and More
Community Groups and Civic Infrastructure
Lexington, Kentucky Mayor Linda Gorton Announces Democracy Initiative
Judy Woodruff on Local Journalism & Engagement