
Ananda Goldrath

University of California, San Diego
Biological Sciences
Microbiology and Immunology

Ananda Goldrath is a Tata Chancellor’s Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences and former chair of the Molecular Biology Section at the University of California, San Diego, where she started her lab in 2004.  

Her research explores the mechanistic basis underlying memory T cell differentiation as a strategy to program the immune system to meet pathogens or malignancies in the tissues where they first pose a threat. This information has made it possible to beneficially manipulate the immune system to eliminate infection and malignancies. Specifically, the goal of the Goldrath Lab's research is to understand how CD8+ T cell immunological memory is generated and maintained by identifying the transcriptional and signaling events that regulate the survival and differentiation of T cells as they navigate the immune response and become long-lived memory T cells.

In 2011, Anand was named a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar, and in 2007 she was named a Pew Scholar. She is also a recipient of the Cancer Research Institute New Investigator Award, V Scholar Award and the Julia Brown Faculty Fellowship. 


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