
Andrew David Gordon

Harvard University
Historian; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Analyst of labor and economic history in modern Japan. In four major monographs, converted the multiple stories of Japan's economic "miracles" into balanced and revelatory masterpieces of analysis. Writes about the evolution of Japanese labor-management relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the politics of labor in the early twentieth century. Turned his attention to the emergence of the middle class and a mass consumer society in Japan, with a recent book on the introduction of the Singer sewing machine in Japan. His A Modern History of Japan (2003) is one of the standard textbooks on the topic and was translated into Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Combining the perspectives of both fan and academic, published (in Japanese only) The Unknown Story of Matsuzaka's Major League Revolution

(2007), tracking Daisuke Matsuzaka's first season with the Boston Red Sox, and placing it in a cross-cultural and historical context. Former Director, the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard and former Chair, Department of History at Harvard.

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