
Anthony W. Marx

New York Public Library
Library administrator; Academic administrator; Educator
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Scientific, Cultural, and Nonprofit Leadership
President. Appointed the President of the New York Public Library in July 2011. The library is one of the leading knowledge institutions in the world, a center for scholarly records and a network of circulating libraries. From 2003 to 2011, he was the eighteenth president of Amherst College. At Amherst, he focused on realizing the college's aim to be both the most selective and the most diverse liberal arts college, ensuring access for talented students of any economic background; curricular renewal; and connecting the curriculum to research and internship/service experiences to inspire lifelong learning. Served on the faculty at Columbia University, where he was professor and director of undergraduate studies of political science. Also established and managed programs designed to strengthen secondary school education in the United States and abroad. At Columbia, he served as director of the Early College High School Initiative at the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, which established model public high schools as partnerships between school systems and universities. He also founded the Columbia Urban Educators Program, a public school teacher recruitment and training partnership. In the 1980s, he helped found Khanya College, a South African secondary school that prepares students for university.
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