Charles R. Gallistel
Charles Ransom Gallistel is a Professor of Psychology at Rutgers University and is president of the Association for Psychological Science. Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty, he held positions at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was chair of the psychology department and Bernard L. & Ida E. Grossman Term Professor and at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is an expert in the cognitive process of learning and memory.
Professor Gallistel is the author of three influential books in three different areas of experimental psychology. His experimental work includes research in electric self-stimulation of the brain, 2DG autoradiography, animal navigation, and comparative numerical cognition. His research pursues a psychophysical approach to screening for memory malfunction in genetically manipulated mice, in order to make possible a genetic attack on the problem of the physical basis of memory by developing behavioral screening methods that distinguish between genetic defects in memory and genetic defects in the many processes that affect the extent and manner in which memory is manifest in behavior.