Cornell Hugh Fleischer
Professor Cornell Hugh Fleischer is the Kanuni Suleyman Professor of Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies at the University of Chicago. After graduating from Princeton University with his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., he went on to teach at the Washington University of St. Louis on Near Eastern Studies. After receiving a MacArthur fellowship in 1988, he joined the University of Chicago's staff in 1993 where he has lectured students on the intellectual and political organization of Islamic Middle Eastern and Ottoman society. He is the author of Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman Empire: The Historian Mustafa Ali (1541-1600), which provided large steps to better understanding of the Ottoman Age of Suleyman. Presently, Professor Fleischer is researching on Suleyman the Lawgiver and Apolocalypticism and its relationship to the Ottomans. In addition, Professor Fleischer is a member on the editorial board for the Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History and the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.