
George M. Langford

Syracuse University
Biological Sciences
Cellular and Developmental Biology

George Langford is a Professor of Biology, Dean Emeritus of the College of Arts and Sciences, and a distinguished Professor of Neuroscience at Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences in Syracuse, New York. As a nationally known cell biologist and neuroscientist, Langford has maintained an interdisciplinary approach to teaching, research, service, and enterprise.

Prior to Syracuse University, he served as dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Before that, he was the Ernest Everett Just Professor of Natural Sciences and professor of biological sciences, both at Dartmouth College. Dean Langford has also served on the faculties of the University of Massachusetts-Boston, Howard University, and The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, in addition to holding leadership positions at the National Science Foundation, Marine Biology Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.), and Argonne National Laboratory (Ill.). Dean Langford was named inaugural chair of the Minority Affairs Committee of the American Society for Cell Biology, and was appointed to the National Science Board.

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