Gilbert Dagron
Professor Gilbert Dagron was an Honorary Professor of History at College de France. Before College de France, he was Professor at the National School of Laon, Assistant Professor of Medieval History at the Sorbonne, then at the University of Paris I, and Professor at the University of Lyon II. He was an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Athens (1991), Corresponding Member (1992) then Foreign Member (2006) of the Athens Academy, Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (1996), Corresponding Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (1998), Corresponding member of the Istituto Siciliano di Studi bizantini e neoellenici "Bruno Lavagnini" (2000), Foreign Member of the Accademia delle Scienze in Turin (2001), Honorary Member of the Christian Archaeological Society, Athens (2005), and Member of the Institute, Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres (1994). His research includes Byzantinist [history and civilization of the Byzantine Empire, urban history (Constantinople in the 4th-5th centuries), regional history (Asia Minor), political history (the imperial power and its foundations), history of Byzantine Christianity, hagiography ( holy Thècle), diplomatic (archives of Athos), cultural history (Patria), philology and military history (treaty on the guerilla of Nicephorus Phocas), Byzantine epigraphy (Cilicia)]. He passed away on August 4, 2015.