
Hans Lennart Rudolf Wigzell

Karolinska Institutet
Immunologist; Educator; Academic administrator
Biological Sciences
Medical Sciences
International Honorary Member


Dr. Hans Wigzell is the former President and is a Professor Emeritus of Immunology at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. He previously served as Head of the National Bacteriological Laboratory (SBL) / Smittskydd Institute (SMI). In 1972 he was appointed Professor of Immunology at Uppsala University and in 1982 he returned to KI as a professor. From 1988 to 1993 he served as Head of the State Bacteriological Laboratory (SBL) and led to its closure as well as the establishment of the Smith Protection Institute (SMI). Wigzell is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, and Finnish Science Society. 

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