
Heinz Otto Kreiss

California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
Mathematician; Educator
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics


Heinz-Otto Kreiss was Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics at UCLA and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, lived and worked on a farm during the war, and became an undergraduate in Hamburg in 1950.  In 1955 he went to Stockholm, Sweden where he began his stellar research career.  He was a Professor at the Chalmers Institute of Technology in Gothenberg from 1964-65, Uppsala University from 1965-78, Caltech from 1978-1987, and here from 1987-2001, when he retired and returned to Sweden. He is well known for his work in applied mathematics. In 2003 he gave the Von Neumann Lecture at the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Kreiss was the coauthor of Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations (1989), Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods (1995), and Methods for the Approximate Solution of Time Dependent Problems (1973). He was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 2002 he received the award in applied mathematics and numerical analysis from the National Academy of Sciences "for his seminal contribution to the understanding of differential and difference equations and for his many outstanding contributions to numerical analysis, fluid dynamics, and meteorology."  He passed away in December 16, 2015 at his home in Stockholm.

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