Jon Elster
Columbia University
Political scientist; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
Jon Elster (Ph.D., University of Paris, 1972) taught at Paris, Oslo and Chicago before coming to Columbia. His publications include Ulysses and the Sirens, Sour Grapes, Making Sense of Marx, The Cement of Society, Solomonic Judgements, Local Justice, Political Psychology, Alchemies of the Mind, Ulysses Unbound, Closing the Books: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective, Explaining Social Behavior, and Securities Against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections. His research interests include the theory of individual and of collective choice, the philosophy of the social sciences, the theory of distributive justice, and the history of social thought (Marx and Tocqueville). He is currently working on a comparative study of the Federal Convention (1787) and the first French constituent assembly (1789-1791).
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