
Klaus R. Scherer

University of Geneva
Psychologist; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychological Sciences
International Honorary Member


Klaus Scherer is a Professor emeritus at the University of Geneva. He founded and directed the Centre Interfacultaire en Science Affectives and the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences. After teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and the University of Kiel, Germany, he was appointed, in 1973, full professor of social psychology at the University of Giessen, Germany. From1985 to 2008, Klaus Scherer was full professor of psychology at the University of Ge­neva, Switzerland, where he has founded and directed the Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives as well as the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (a Swiss National Center of Competence in Research). Klaus Scherer's research focuses, apart from interests in personality, stress, communication, and music, on the study of emotion-eliciting cognitive appraisal, its neural bases, and its effects on facial and vocal emotion expression as well as on psychophysiological response patterns. Current research projects also include: Modeling emotion as a multicomponent process; acoustic parameters of emotional state in the voice; intercultural comparison of emotional experience, emotion induction via music. Scherer co-directs a series of books on "Affective Science" for Oxford University Press. He has been a founding co-editor (with R. Davidson) of the APA journal EMOTION. Scherer is member/fellow of several national and international scientific societies. Klaus Scherer also pursues activities directed at the practical application of scientific research findings. He developed a computerized assessment system for management potential and a test of emotional intelligence. He is the director of the Swiss National Research Center in the Affective Sciences.

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