
Peter B. Reich

University of Michigan
Ecologist; Environmental scientist; Educator
Biological Sciences
Evolution and Ecology
Leading comparative ecologist and plant physiologist of his generation, and known as one of the top ten internationally cited environmental scientists. Made contributions that have bridged plant physiological ecology and terrestrial ecosystem ecology, increasing the understanding of the effects of global environmental change. Known for the discovery of universal rules about leaf design, and scaling of plant physiology from seedling to adult, cell to ecosystem, and individual stand to the planet. Revealed the consequences of plant trait design trade-offs for plant community dynamics and ecosystem functioning. Implemented complex and ecologically realistic experiments to assess the effects of major environmental change factors, including factors such as rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, atmospheric nitrogen deposition, and ozone pollution on terrestrial ecosystems. Characterized the multiscale mechanisms underlying shifts at physiological, community, and ecosystem levels. Recipient, BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award for fundamental advances in ecology.
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