
Richard Schechner

New York University Tisch School of the Arts
Humanities and Arts
Performing Arts

Richard Schechner is Performance Studies and University Professor Emeritus at New York University and Editor of The Drama Review. A performance theorist and theater director, Schechner combines his work in theory with innovative approaches to the broad spectrum of performance - including theatre, play, ritual, dance, music, popular entertainments, sports, politics, and performance in everyday life - to understand performative behavior as both an object of study and an active artistic-intellectual practice. He is founder of The Performance Group and East Coast Artists. His theatre productions include Dionysus in 69CommuneThe Tooth of CrimeMother Courage and Her ChildrenSeneca's OedipusFaust/gastronome; Three SistersHamletThe OresteiaYokastaSSwimming to Spalding; and Imagining O. His books include Public Domain; Environmental TheaterPerformance TheoryThe Future of RitualBetween Theater and AnthropologyPerformance Studies: An Introduction; and Performed Imaginaries. He holds a Ph.D. from Tulane University.

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