
Robert B. Reich

University of California, Berkeley
Political economist; Author; Government official; U. S. Secretary of Labor; Educator
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Public Affairs and Public Policy
Widely recognized political economist, public intellectual, and commentator on American social policy, business, economic, and labor policies. Served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. Academic work, with over thirteen thousand Google Scholar citations, synthesizes research to produce large, thought-provoking theses about the impacts of globalization, increasing income inequality, the changing structure of the economy, and many other topics. Author of 13 books, including The Work of Nations (1991), translated into 22 languages; The Future of Success (2000), Locked in the Cabinet, (1997) and most recently Supercapitalism (2007) and Aftershock (2010). Cofounding editor of The American Prospect magazine, producer of several PBS television series, and weekly commentator on public radio's Marketplace. Central figure in a new movie Inequality for All. Honored in 2003 for his pioneering work in economic and social thought with the Vaclav Havel Vision Foundation Prize by the former Czech president.
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