
Robert F. Nagel

University of Colorado Boulder
Lawyer; Educator
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Professor Robert F. Nagel is the Rothgerber Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Colorado Law School. He is a leading scholar on the United States Supreme Court and author of numerous articles and four books: Constitutional Cultures: The Mentality and Consequences of Judicial Review, Judicial Power and American Character: Censoring Ourselves in an Anxious Age, The Implosion of American Federalism, and Unrestrained: Judicial Excess and the Mind of the American Lawyer. Much of his work has focused on the relationship between the judiciary (and its interpretation of the Constitution) and the wider context of American political culture. Professor Nagel has testified before several congressional committees. He was formerly the director of the Law School's Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law.

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