
Robert W. Levenson

University of California, Berkeley
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychological Sciences
Levenson contributed to his field in six areas of inquiry: emotion-specific autonomic physiology; emotion regulation; culture; marriage; life span development, and brain science. He shaped these fields with new measurement approaches, a commitment to studying ethologically rich behavior, and the training of a next generation of young emotion scientists, both within his lab and more broadly through several training programs that he has guided as Principle Investigator. In addition, Levenson has served as a charter member for the International Society for Research on Emotion  and as charter member and fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. He has served as President of the Society for Psychophysiological Research and President of the Association for Psychological Science and is currently President of the Society for Affective Science and President of the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System. He has been honored with election to the Society of Experimental Psychologists; Distinguished Alumnus Award from Vanderbilt University; Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Association of Psychological Science; Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychophysiology Award from the Society for Psychophysiological Research, and William James Award for Lifetime Achievement in Basic Research from the Assocation for Psychological Science.
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