
Teodolinda Barolini

Columbia University
Language and literary scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Literature and Language Studies

Lorenzo Da Ponte Professor of Italian at Columbia University. Research focuses on thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italian literary culture and critical philology, especially relating to Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and the lyric tradition. She is the author of Dante's Poets, The Undivine Comedy: Detheologizing Dante, and Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture, all published also in Italian. She has written a commentary to Dante's lyric poetry, published in Italian as Rime giovanili e della 'Vita Nuova' and in English as Dante's Lyric Poetry: Poems of Youth and of the 'Vita Nuova'. She has also written a digital commentary to the Divine Comedy, accessed at Digital Dante:

Barolini has edited four volumes: Dante for the New Millennium and Petrarch and Textual Origins of Interpretations (with H. W. Storey), as well as Medieval Constructions in Gender and Identity, and Antonio Barolini, Cronistoria di un'anima. She served as the fifteenth President of The Dante Society of America.

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