
The Niels Bohr Symposium


In 1985, the Academy hosted a major international symposium commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Niels Bohr, the great Danish physicist and the “father of quantum mechanics.” Academy Fellows and members from around the world attended, as did younger scholars, graduate students, and other leading figures in the sciences and the history of physics. The symposium explored Bohr’s life and work in its broadest dimensions, ranging from his discoveries in quantum theory to the influence of his thought on recent developments in physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as on intellectual currents outside the sciences. The gathering concluded with a session devoted to the threat of nuclear weapons and the future of East-West relations – issues that were of deep concern to Bohr.

Resulting Publication

  • Niels Bohr: Physics and the World, ed. Herman Feshbach, Tetsuo Matsui, and Alexandra Oleson. New York: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1988. (out of print)


Principal Investigator