Forging Climate Solutions

Summary of Recommendations

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Commission on Accelerating Climate Action

Strategy 1:

Prioritize Equity, Fairness, and Justice in Climate Action

Recommendation 1.1

Prioritize investment in communities that are on the front lines and are the hardest hit by the consequences of climate change, energy transition, and adaptation efforts.

Recommendation 1.2

Build capacity for climate action by engaging diverse voices, removing barriers, and disseminating promising practices.

Recommendation 1.3

Weave frontline communities and Indigenous Knowledge into research on controlling pollution and managing the impacts of climate change.


Strategy 2:

Engage and Educate Diverse Communities

Recommendation 2.1

Empower diverse and trusted messengers to communicate climate change issues that resonate with specific communities.

Recommendation 2.2

Support and celebrate concrete commitments to climate action by government, businesses, community groups, and NGOs.

Recommendation 2.3

Combat climate misinformation in the news and across social media.

Recommendation 2.4

Expand access to climate education across K–16 subjects and into formal and informal education venues. Advocate for climate education in all state curricula and develop tools for knowledge assessment.


Strategy 3:

Mobilize Investment

Recommendation 3.1

Design, implement, and iteratively evaluate policies to push the technological frontier.

Recommendation 3.2

Leverage investments in infrastructure modernization to correct historical underinvestment in marginalized communities.

Recommendation 3.3

Create more robust, credible, and comprehensive incentives to retire and replace high-emission facilities and vulnerable infrastructure.

Recommendation 3.4

Redesign permitting processes to be less burdensome and more trustworthy.

Recommendation 3.5

Strengthen the mandate for companies to measure and disclose climate-related physical and transitional risks that are auditable, replicable, and material.


Strategy 4:

Deploy Diverse Options for Controlling Emissions

Recommendation 4.1

Implement a fair carbon price in conjunction with other policies to create strong demand for low-emission technologies.

Recommendation 4.2

Cooperate with international allies to realign trade rules in favor of emissions reductions and make supply chains more resilient.

Recommendation 4.3

Advance efforts to control non-CO2 greenhouse gases and climate-warming aerosols, especially pollutants that have large impacts on human health and the environment.

Recommendation 4.4

Incentivize farmers and other landowners to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration.

Recommendation 4.5

Support effective nature-based climate solutions.


Strategy 5:

Ensure Adaptation at All Levels of Society

Recommendation 5.1

Spur increased investment in comprehensive adaptation plans through codevelopment with the federal government, states, tribes, cities, companies, and NGOs, including justice-centered voices from civil society.

Recommendation 5.2

Improve coordination and accessibility of existing climate resources and investments across federal agencies.

Recommendation 5.3

Invest in a diverse portfolio of adaptation options, including both responses to specific threats and broad commitments to building resilience.

Recommendation 5.4

Identify and eliminate perverse incentives, such as subsidies for hazard insurance, that have impeded efforts to understand and respond to climate-related risks.