
Share of Community Colleges Offering at Least One Course in the Humanities, by Discipline and Region, Fall 2015

The middle bar depicts the estimated proportion, and the upper and lower bars depict the range of uncertainty.
t All the responding institutions in the northeast offer English; it is possible that some of the non-responding institutions in this region do not offer English.
* Even though an interval extends to 100%, we know that not all institutions in the region offer a course in the discipline.
** Includes: 1) survey courses entitled “Humanities”; and 2) courses coded in colleges’ information systems as humanities but not counted in the other disciplinary categories.
Nine institutions included in the study are located in US territories; their data are not included in this table. For the values underlying this figure, see American Academy of Arts Sciences, Humanities Indicators, “Humanities Education in Community Colleges: A Pilot Study,” (March 2019), appendix, tables E3, FL3, H3, P3, and OH3.
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