The Consequences of Global Educational Expansion: Social Science Perspectives


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Emily Hannum and Claudia Buchmann
Universal Basic and Secondary Education

EMILY HANNUM is an assistant professor in the department of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. Most of her work focuses on education, child welfare, and social stratification in China. She directs a longitudinal study of children’s education, health, and economic status in rural western China. Her work in China also includes the investigation of national changes in human capital acquisition and their implications for socioeconomic, gender, and ethnic stratification. Hannum has also published on educational stratification in comparative perspective, with a focus on developing country settings. At the University of Pennsylvania, she teaches courses on social inequality in China and survey design.

CLAUDIA BUCHMANN is an assistant professor in the department of sociology at Duke University. She has published numerous articles on education and inequality in both industrialized and developing societies, with a particular emphasis on educational systems in Africa. Some of her research has examined the impact of global economic restructuring on the quality of life of women and children in developing countries, and the role of family processes in perpetuating gender, class, and ethnic differences in educational participation. At Duke University, Buchmann teaches courses on globalization, education and stratification, and comparative research methods.