The State of the Humanities 2018: Graduates in the Workforce & Beyond

Unemployment among Bachelor’s Degree Holders, by Highest Degree and Field of Bachelor’s, 2015

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Humanities Indicators
Unemployment among Bachelor’s Degree Holders, by Highest Degree and Field of Bachelor’s, 2015

While their unemployment rate has declined since the Great Recession, humanities graduates had a level of unemployment in 2015 that was modestly higher than the rate for the bachelor’s-holding population as a whole. The 4.3% unemployment rate among terminal bachelor’s degree holders in humanities compares to 3.6% among graduates from all fields combined.

The lowest levels of unemployment (below 3%) were found among bachelor’s degree holders in education and the health and medical sciences.1


  • 1U.S. Census Bureau, 2015 American Community Survey Public-Use Microdata Sample. The unem­ployment rates presented in this graph are for graduates of all ages, who have rates that are substantially higher than for the two age groups discussed on page 11.